Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bag of Chips Stolen from Quiznos

Today I witnessed a person in Chicago open a bag of chips and walk out without paying the cashier.

As I sat and enjoyed my lunch, I watched a man on a wheel chair enter the restaurant and ask someone if they could buy him a bag of chips. The man at the counter simply ignored him and walked out with his lunch. The guy on the wheel chair seemed very confident and friendly. His next move surprised me. He grabbed a bag of chips, opened it and leaves the restaurant as if nothing had happened.

The cashier looked confused and was wondering if she should go after him. Two other employees walk out and search for the man on the wheel chair with the unpaid bag of chips.

This scene made me think and wonder. If this man had no money and had already eaten the bag of chips, would you have gone through the trouble of chasing after him for a bag of 25 cents? What would you expect to get out of it if money or the bag of chips was not an option? How would the police take that call if you called them?

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