Sunday, June 19, 2011

Interested in Ethical Hacking?

Information Security Blog
I recently started a new blog on Wordpress where I will be going over many different topics, particularly focused on information security, both offensive and defensive.

While there are many blogs out there that already do a really great job covering many topics, I would like to take a different approach with mine. I want to do more video and "do it yourself" examples where people, particularly those interested in security, can learn more about what actually goes on or how something works rather than just read about it and say OK. Sure, the video and the music was cool, but what did you really get out of it?

Get Your Hands Dirty
How fun would it be to actually try these things and play around? I want to take live exploits and vulnerabilities and dissect them as well as help readers begin to absorb this mentality of what security is. Of course, I am no expert and I will be learning a lot of things along the way. Perhaps in the future I will look forward to having contributors that can provide valuable information. So as you can imagine, my target audience is not people that are smarter than I am (lol).

The Newbies
Lets admit it, we all played around with our little SubSeven and NetDevil servers that we renamed to sexy_picture.exe and attempted a file transfer on AIM with our much "slower" friends in hopes that they would accept it and double click it.. only to get this response:
"Norton says it has detected a virus. What should I do?"
Of course, darn it! "Just click ignore," apparently the sexy_picture.exe disappeared from their desktop and now they wonder... "I don't see a picture, can you send it again?" As funny as that sounds, it is how security is viewed by a lot of people who lack a deeper understanding of protocols, networking, memory, programming, etc.

What's Next?
For now, I just wanted to throw that out there. If you visit my blog, there is not much on there and will slowly take its form. Perhaps I will look forward to having a forum or live discussions on IRC (yes, IRC is correct). We will see what happens, but stay in touch and visit my Information Security blog at the link below.

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